Micro and Nano Fluidics Research Group
Nanotechnology Cluster and Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin - Madison
Changing Your Ideas of
What Liquids Can Do
The research interests of our group concentrate on nanostructured surfaces, physics of liquid-solid interfaces,
and micro and nano-fluidics.
      Over the last decade, continuing progress in nanofabrication
techniques led to substantial advancement in our understanding of the liquid-solid interfaces at the mesoscopic
scale and brought the advent of a new area that can be called nanoscale interface engineering.
The main goal of this new field is to employ the nano and micro scale interfacial features
to obtain surfaces and materials with the radically new and previously unattainable properties.
      Potential applications of these systems span an exceptionally broad range, which includes areas
as diverse as self-cleaning coatings, surfaces with tunable optical properties, substrates for directed
biological cell migration, and hydrodynamic drag reduction surfaces.
© 2009-2013 Krupenkin Research Group, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Web master Elena Krupenkin.